Mistletoe as fingernail decoration

Current Date: Wednesday, 22nd January 2025 | Article updated on Tuesday, 22nd November 2016

Mistletoe as fingernail decoration – French christmas motif instruction.

Mistletoe as fingernail decoration
Products for the motif 'Mistletoe as fingernail decoration' - Nail polish, Nail art liner, Nail art pen, Christmas sticker, Clear nail polish

You need:
1. Nail lacquer in “White”
2. Nail art liner in “White”
3. Nail art pen in “White”
4. Nail art liner in “Red-Glitter”
5. Clear nail lacquer
6. Christmas sticker
7. Tweezers

Tip: We recommend to begin with the thumb

We recommend to begin with the thumb, because it has a larger working surface.

Nail art liner in the colour white

Step 1: Nail art liner in the colour white and the nail lacquer in the colour white
Begin approximately in the middle of the fingernail and draw with the nail art liner in the colour white two lines.

Nail art liner in the colour white

Nail lacquer in the colour white

Now paint the fingernail tip with the nail lacquer in the colour white.

Nail lacquer in the colour white

Nail lacquer in the colour white

Nail lacquer in the colour white

Christmas motif 9 - Nail art motif 149

The result should correspond approximately to the picture.

Before you continue with step 2, wait until the nail lacquer on the fingernail is dried.

Nail lacquer in the colour white

Step 2: Nail lacquer in the colour white
Paint another layer nail lacquer on the first layer which is already dried. If you use bright nail lacquer, you should always paint another layer in the same colour, so that the nail surface does not through-gleam.

Nail lacquer in the colour white
Nail lacquer in the colour white

Nail lacquer in the colour white

Synthetic fingernails

If you have synthetic fingernails you should pay attention that the edge of the fingernail is also painted. This causes a perfect and consistent look of your fingernail.

Christmas motif 9 - Nail art motif 149

The result should correspond approximately to the picture.

Before you continue with step 3, wait until the nail lacquer on the fingernail is dried.

Nail art liner in the colour red-Glitter

Step 3: Christmas sticker with mistletoe, the tweezers and the nail art liner in the colour red-glitter
Draw with the nail art liner in the colour red-glitter a line at the transition of the free fingernail surface and the nail lacquer in white.

Nail art liner in the colour red-Glitter

Before you use the nail art liner, you should strip the surplus lacquer of the brush at the edge of the bottle. Thus you can draw clean, fine lines.

Nail art liner in the colour red-Glitter
Sticker with a mistletoe

Take up with the tweezers the christmas sticker with the mistletoe and set it on the left side of the fingernail tip.

Sticker with a mistletoe

Now press with the tweezers the christmas sticker firmly to the nail surface.

Sticker with a mistletoe

Sticker with a mistletoe

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The motif “Mistletoe as fingernail decoration” should correspond approximately to the picture.

Nail art pen in the colour white

Step 4: Nail art pen in the colour white
Now draw with the nail art pen in the colour white several small points of the free fingernail surface.

Nail art liner in the colour black
Nail art liner in the colour black

Nail art liner in the colour black

Christmas motif 9 - Nail art motif 149

The motif “Mistletoe as fingernail decoration” should correspond approximately to the picture.

Before you continue with the last step, wait until the nail lacquer on the fingernail is dried.

Clear nail lacquer

Step 5: Clear nail lacquer
At the last step you have to paint over the entire fingernail with a clear nail lacquer.

The clear nail lacquer protects the nail art

The clear nail lacquer protects the nail art and gives the fingernail more gloss.

Nail art motif

After the clear nail lacquer is dried, the nail art motif “Mistletoe as fingernail decoration” is finished.

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Mistletoe as fingernail decoration

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